
Sunday, December 27, 2009

No! The first Gilgamesh didn't die nor the last one died!

By Ali Al Sarraf

Another year is passing by ! Another Hajj and a martyr knocking on the door!

Woe them of this date, of this History and woe them of its realities and truths!

A great hero is still standing behind alive, a greatest hero of modern times ! A man the world has never seen before, a hero with such heroism, resolve, and ready for sacrifice.. He himself, went willingly to its shores, and gave proof with his soul proper, to al those who asked for proofs.

Saddam Hussein !

Here he is !

He is still petrifying those who murdered him with their shaky hands.. Those who are still looking even today for excuses for murdering him..

They pretty know that they committed a crime.. But the crime is not by itself, the problem which gives them sleepless nights, for they commit every day every kind of crimes on this earth..They know too, that this crime was one of the biggest crimes in History.. But they are such debased and immoral thugs that they are unable to distinguish in between one crime and another.. Only they understand that this crime is hunting them, realising seriously that they tried to murder a man, and discovered later, that this man in fact can't die.

They used every single pretext to denigrate Saddam Hussein. They used every kind of accusation to run him down. and they were dead right for doing so.. For they were searching for excuses for a crime not against a patriot leader or against a president of a State, but against the History itself.

And this will hunt them for ever and ever.

This is a Man-History who can't be wiped out !

If it was possible for Gilgamesh to be wiped out, we would have "excused" them as far as Saddam Hussein is concerned. But for their bad luck no one was able to wipe out neither Gilgames, Hammurabi, Nabuchodonosor or any one who made glories in the last seven thousands years of Iraq glorious past.

Saddam Hussein was born for a people which gives birth to legends and heroes. And every one of them is a legendary hero .

And come on let's bet ! Indeed ! Behind every child, every toddler, every young man and woman from the young of this Iraq, its men, its persevering and resisting women, there is a legend.. In every one there is something of Gilgames and something of Saddam Hussein.

This is the undeniable true blend of Iraq. It is a blend of legendary heroes that you can track in a multitude of legends which speak about perseverance, combat, heroism and intrepidity engraved and written every single day by the Iraqi combatants against the Occupiers.

This is the Iraqi blend ! No blend in history is greater nor more immortal.. This is the blend of heroes, who every one of them, is seven thousands years old. And these are the bombs, the IEDs and explosives which are ruining the Occupation's tanks, its militias and its gangs.

The Iraqi resisters appear from behind every stone, from above and from underneath the soil of Iraq. Not because they are defending a homeland like any other homeland, but because there is a History which incites them to do so.

And this is Iraq !

They came in with their tanks, they bombed with their war jets, they looted whatever they could and they pillaged and destroyed whatever fell under their hands. But they were incapable and unable to bomb History.. They were impotent to loot what this History means for the Iraqis ! Even if they would have slaughtered ten million Iraqis over the one million and a half they already murdered, Iraq shall come back to be born from its History.. Gilgamesh shall come back and Hammurabi and Nabuchodonosor and .. Saddam Hussein shall appear from behind every stone, from above the earth and from underneath.. once to re invent the writing and its alphabet, to establish the first urban centers and a state based on law, or to explore and invent sciences and be abundant with literature.. It is for this very reason that Iraq was the first place on earth where God chose to proof that He exists.... Iraq shall return again to wipe out illiteracy, nationalise the oil and give free education for all, to distribute the lands to farmers, and to issue a law of civil equality for every one.. to change Iraq into an industrial base proud with scientists and sciences.. to make out of its wars a stadium competition for sacrifices for the honor of Iraq, for its pride, and for its dignity.

Yes ! They murdered Iraq, but they were unable to murder Gilgamesh which lives in every Iraqi soul.. And there he is, living.. He ridiculized them (see the proof in front of the gallows), the rope was too long. He cheeted them with his death.. and he is still living.

This is their greatest disaster. They murdered a man, and discovered that this man couldn't be possibly murdered. They realized also that using a handful of thugs and gangsters, the likes you can find almost every where, and failed to comprehend the matter, the fabric, the metal, the Iraqi History and the Iraqis were made of.

Saddam Hussein is you ! Yes you! If you were proud and honourable !

Saddam Hussein is you ! Yes you ! If you were a patriot and if you considered yourself and your life, nothing for your homeland !

Saddam Hussein is you ! Yes you ! If you were a man of an immense generosity, righteousness, and bounty.

Saddam Hussein is you ! Yes you indeed ! If you were harsh on the stooges and on the debased collaborators.

Another year passes by. God preserves us from what is coming and woe them from our ire !

We shall appear from the abyss of the earth to attack them, and shall appear from behind every stone.. For Saddam Hussein the Glorious has given birth to 25 million glorious sons born from proud and dignified mothers.

These are the men who make History! These are the women of this History.. fathers .. mothers.. These people have changed even clay into a legend and it became books, documented History, epics, encyclopedias for sciences and literature and a climbing ladder towards God.

If you are an enemy, say whatever you like. Get down your mask ! Leak down what you contain !

For we have two Iraqs. You may be able to destroy one, but you shall never escape the other true Iraq. You shall never escape the roots of its date palm trees, its dates. You shall never escape its Gilgamesh, its Saddam Hussein, nor any toddler whose parents were murdered by the occupiers, and whose school was destroyed and who was starved, prevented from food and shelter by the invaders,

Saddam Hussein was a maker of events and writer and a maker of History.

He succeeded and he sometimes he failed. But he casted Iraq into a mould of creation and production.. He wanted through this endeavour to make out of Iraq a great country.

Gilgamesh didn't succeed, Saddam neither.. This is our destiny. But if these seven thousands years mean something, they mean a History of many attempts.. through which Iraqis held the sceptres of many great empires. They made what no nation did in the very beginning of History.. Even though being a victim of many evil forces and debased mad dogs, Iraqis went on trying and repeating their attempts.. and establishing a glory from earlier glories' roots.

Iraqis tired are never. Iraqis never knew what the word desperation means all along their thousands and thousands years.. of History.

This is the History where our destiny is written. We shall build and we shall return to build..

These are the Iraqis and this is their vocation !

They succeed and they fail ! They fail and succeed, and on their search for immortality they make out of creativity a values something no one can equal, for the Lord blows His spirit in their images and they become stronger than they were.

Yes! A civilisation of clay, say some historians ! Not a civilisation of stones. But if you only looked at the creation from the angle of the re creation, you would understand where lays the unbelievable mystery and vocation of this civilisation of clay.

All these are attempts.. The civilisation of stones is static ! It is only one, single attempt.

Sure! The vocation of the Iraqis is a harsh destiny. But we Iraqis are like that. We build and re build

It is a harsh destiny, but this is Iraq,

Our first Gilgames never died, and neither died the last one.

And he will continue to be born from that same clay to make beyond glory a greater glory.

This what Saddam the Glorious wished and had in mind !

The turning points, the ordeals told by this History are not just details. Every single phase was a part of this tempestuous destiny which made the past and the present of Iraq.

Crowned with achievements, bathed in wonders, but filled with tragic facts too.

There is no travail, no battle front, no attempts which are not cruel.. They are an impulsion for greater glory, pride and dignity.

The glorious women of today's Iraq are bringing up heroes and shall give birth to heroes too... And there shall be in amongst them another Gilgamesh, who will suckle the milk of heroism, courage, and resolve against debased stooges, despicable and abject collaborators.

Our written destiny.. is to always try and never stop trying.. until seizing the plant of eternity.

Every human deserves to live in happiness and prosperity.. But this plant is the lot and the right of Iraqis only.. For there, on this blessed land, on the soil of Iraq God gave humanity the first proof of His existence.

God never spoke to a people before He did with us. He told Noah : build the arch and Noah did !

Thus redeemed were the Iraqis for thousands of years .

Noah tried and we are trying .

On the soil of Iraq there is a plethora of proofs of what Saddam Hussein the Glorious undertook or attempted to achieve.

If God wanted to die.. this day there will be no Iraq.. For Iraq is His first birth place. Some thought that Iraq is dead.. But Iraq didn't.. for Iraq is born from its History.. He will return to be born again.

This is our fate, our vocation! This our destiny !

Woe us from this History..

And also woe them ! Here we are ready for it, and we stand at the level of the confrontation.. Woe them from our wrath..

Translated by Abu Assur


The Iraqi resistance uses a Russian software programme to intercept U.S. drone feeds

Russian software programme to intercept U.S. drone feeds

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Iraqi resistance has acquired a Russian software programme, available for $25.99 on the internet, through which they can intercept live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones [1].

This situation once again illustrates that it is possible to counter sophisticated U.S. military technologies with asymmetrical means, comments the WSJ.

The U.S. military discovered the leak when they arrested a Shiite militant whose laptop contained the U.S. drone video feeds. A software programme, SkyGrabber, from Russian company SkySoftware had been used to intercept the feeds.

Lt. Gen. David Deptula, who oversees the Air Force’s unmanned aviation programe, acknowledged the problem and promised to solve it by upgrading the encryption system.

Meanwhile, SkyGrabber developer Andrei Solonikov told the newspaper that the software had been designed for civilian, and not military, use. He said he was unaware of how it was being exploited by the Iraqi resistance. With SkyGrabber, any internet user with a satellite dish can intercept civilian communications satellite contents (music, videos, etc.), hack them and dowload them on his PC.

This situation gave rise to a discussion among Joint Chiefs of Staff about the danger that Russia and China could also intercept and manipulate the drone feeds. As it turns out, not only the drone feeds are not secured, but neither is the live video footage transmitted by helicopters and planes, even in a combat situation. In conclusion, it is possible to intercept all the contents (telephone lines, internet, etc.) transiting through civilian communications satellites without resorting to sophisticated NSA technology.