
Thursday, November 01, 2007

Criminal business as usual in Iraq

By The Arab Baath Socialist Party

One Arab Nation, with an eternal mission - Unity, Freedom, Socialism

In the name of God the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful

About the day light killing of our people' sons and daughters on the hands of the US,

British and Australian so called "Security civil contractors" companies

Our Resisting sons and daughters!

10/30/07 -- - -While you resist the US occupiers and their collaborators, inflict the US occupation and its forces horrendous losses, and you teach them the lessons of bitterest defeat, you confront mass murder on identity, compulsory displacement and suffer from the deprivation of any requirements for a dignified livelihood and services such as running water, electricity, fuel and you name it.. while the US, British, Australian etc.. so called security companies, shed with impunity your innocent and pure blood.. This is what ugly Blackwater gangsters have undertaken when murdering thirteen Iraqi martyrs and wounding 25 others in the al Nessur square in Baghdad's al Mansur neighborhood, for no reason and restarted their criminal business as usual in Iraq, four days only after the US puppet Maliki government fake announcement "to withdraw their permit to work in Iraq!" Everyone knows that this government has no authority whatsoever to withdraw anything, due to "Bremer' bills" who imposed these governments and all the other precedent puppet governments.

For propaganda purposes entered the US declarations by Bush, Rice and their puppets about an unlikely investigation..This criminal Contractors Company and its likes go on with their criminal acts shedding with impunity the Iraqis blood with no distinction.. Yes! The Australian contractors company 'Unity' has opened fire on purpose in the Al Masbah Neighborhood and murdered two Iraqi women and wounded a third lady and all her children.. What was their crime? They happened to cross at that time an Iraqi street.. nothing else! Also the British so called security company "Erens" opened fire on Iraqi citizens in Kirkuk wounding gravely three without the slightest reaction from the Occupying forces and their puppet government..and at the same time the US intensifies its air strikes murdering the sons and daughters of our people in every Iraq districts, cities, and villages in Baghdad, Nineveh, Diyala, Al Anbar, Diwanya, Basrah.. The world over witnessed on the TV screens the US perpetrated butchery in al Tharthar region north of Baghdad in current October in which 15 women and children plus nine civilian men were murdered, when the US leveled their homes to the ground. This didn't incite the puppets, Maliki and Talabani and their cohort to utter a word..

Our dignified people' sons and daughters!

The slaughter of the Iraqi people has been going on and intensifying also on the hands of the sectarian criminal militias connected to Iran, in Diwanya, Karbala, and Basra.. The security has been deteriorating and the killing has been going on unabated in Baghdad, Diyala, Al Anbar, Nineveh, Najaf etc..undertaken by the criminal gangs and death squads linked to the US Occupation forces and to Iran represented by the so called "Al Quds division" and the Iranian intelligence etc, targeting Iraqi academics, heroic Iraqi army' officers and pilots belonging to every religion and every community in order to enforce and widen the forcible displacement of people.. which gave room to more than one and a half million refugee inside Iraq and to more than four million Iraqis outside Iraq. In the meanwhile the US, their collaborators and Iran continue to murder Iraqi journalists in a horrible pace ..The US and Iran have murdered so far at least 250 Iraqi journalists.. Ten journalists were murdered in only three days last week.. This situation has pushed more journalists and writers to flee Iraq.. while the US occupiers still drum and howl about what they call the "Democracy of the new Iraq!" and about" the opinion and the other's opinion.. Translate: the democracy to slaughter individually and collectively and to expel the others from their homes..!

Iraq, Arab and world freedom lovers!

Rise your voices, intensify your resistance to stop the hemorrhage of the Iraqi blood and the flow of the Iraqi refugees.. Do whatever you can to help intellectually, politically, and through the Media! Giving material and moral support to the heroic Iraqi Resistance is the only choice to free Iraq and to see Iraq, sovereign, Arab, human and reborn anew.

God is the greatest..

victory is the redeemers' Mujahideen' ally.

Iraq Leadership

Iraq Culture and Information Bureau

The Arab Baath Socialist Party Baghdad,

Iraq, In triumphant Baghdad by the will of the Lord

October 2007

Translated by Abu Assur.

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